3 March Weather Dangers That Increase Your Risk for Work Accidents

When March weather arrives, there are certain risks that people are prepared for, but far too many people forget the rainy weather dangers that employees face at work. The following are the three biggest rainy weather dangers that increase your risk for work accidents—and some things you can do to prevent from being the victim of such accidents in your workplace.

  1. Slips, Trips, and Falls on Wet or Frozen Surfaces: Early spring in Ohio is notoriously rainy and snowy. That’s why it should be no surprise that more people are injured at work due to slips and falls during this time. Considering that falls are already one of the most common workplace accidents, this makes slips and falls a serious winter workplace danger.

  2. Prevent slips and falls by:

       – Making use of proper signage,
       – Ensuring all workers have proper non-slick footwear,
       – Salting when necessary,
       – Ensuring all areas are well-lighted,
       – Regularly cleaning up water spills and leaks, and
       – Keeping employees aware of any risky wet or icy patches.

  3. Workplace Motor Vehicle Accidents: In March, late-seasonal snow is a common weather occurrence. Icy and snowy road conditions are dangerous for workplaces, whether your business involves much driving or not. Of course, professional drivers must be extra careful to drive cautiously in the winter, but this is just as important for employees who simply commute to the office.

  4. You can prevent workplace motor vehicle accidents by:

       – Keeping all private roadways and parking lots clear of snow and ice,
       – Regularly salting or sanding areas where employees operate motor vehicles,
       – Encouraging safe driving habits in winter weather,
       – Teaching defensive winter driving tips,
       – Allowing for flexible hours when the roads are bad, and
       – Reducing employee driving as much as possible in bad weather.

  5. Cold Stress and Other Conditions Associated with Cold Working Conditions: When the weather is cold, employees are at risk of “cold stress” conditions, such as hypothermia, frostbite, and even the flu, especially if employees regularly spend time outside. Still, even workplaces consistently kept warm are at risk for workers developing other conditions associated with the cold weather. Dehydration is a real risk, as is sluggishness.

  6. To prevent cold stress and other cold-weather conditions, you can:

       – Urge employees to drink plenty of water,
       – Allow workers to wear warm clothing layers,
       – Keep indoor spaces at a comfortable, warm temperature,
       – Offer flu shots,
       – Give employees regular breaks to have snacks or get inside,
       – Minimize required outside time where possible, and
       – Encourage employees to get up and move as much as possible.

    While these risks can be a real problem for employees during the winter months, the right amount of prevention and awareness can minimize your risk.

    If you are injured at work due to one of these or any other risk, you are not without hope. The Ohio workers’ compensation lawyers at Kademenos, Wisehart, Hines, Dolyk & Wright Co. LPA may be able to help you get the compensation and time you need to heal. Call our offices today at (419) 625-7770 for a free consultation on your case to find out how we may be able to help.