Things that Hurt Your Case After a Car Accident

You deserve compensation after a car accident, but you need to avoid making mistakes that would compromise what you can recover. If you take certain actions, you might not get what you deserve.

If you have questions about what to do after an Ohio car accident, Kademenos, Wisehart, Hines, Dolyk & Wright Co., LPA is here for you. Our personal injury lawyers including, Kyle Wright, will listen to your story and help you file a claim. Call (419) 625-7770 for a free, no obligation consultation.

Here is a list of things that can hurt your case after a car accident:

1. Not Seeking Emergency Medical Treatment

You need to establish that you were injured in the crash right away. If there is a gap in time between when you were hurt and when you get medical treatment, the insurance company may question the severity of your injuries or even whether the crash was the cause.

You should go to an ER or trauma center right after a car wreck. In the Sandusky area, Firelands Regional Medical Center has a Level 3 trauma center. That means they specialize in treating trauma, but they may not have an in-hospital general trauma surgeon 24-hours a day. They can, however, call one in or transfer you to a higher level trauma center.

2. Failing to Follow Up With Doctors as Recommended

When you see an emergency doctor, they will always recommend that you follow up with your primary care physician (PCP). Your PCP will likely suggest that you see specialists, physical therapists, or other doctors. It’s important to follow up on these orders.

If you fail to follow your doctor’s orders, the insurance company may claim that your injuries aren’t actually severe or you don’t need future medical treatment. Medical costs will likely make up the bulk of your insurance claim, so you need to make sure everything possible is included.

If you need to find a doctor, you can utilize the search feature to Find a Provider through Firelands Regional Medical Center.

3. Signing Documents From the Insurance Company

The insurance company of the at-fault driver will try to get you to release medical records, give them unnecessary information, and waive your rights. You shouldn’t sign anything they send you until you speak with a car accident lawyer. Your attorney can review all of the documents sent by the insurance company and make sure you don’t harm your claim by signing anything that will give them more information than they need.

For example, the insurance company may request all of your previous medical records. They will pour over them and see if you’ve ever been hurt in the past. Then, they will try to blame your injuries on previous incidents instead of the wreck their insured caused. You don’t have to give them access to all of your previous medical records. They only need to see what is relevant to the wreck the at-fault driver caused.

4. Posting Too Much on Social Media

Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms are great for keeping in touch and updating friends and family. However, you should be careful what you post after a wreck. Anything you post is discoverable by the insurance company, and they will use it against you.

For example, if you post that you “were in a wreck, but you’re okay,” the insurance company will claim that you weren’t actually injured. You told everyone you’re okay, so you must be lying about your current injuries.

Avoid this problem in the first place, just don’t post about your wreck on social media. Instead reach out to friends and family via phone and give them verbal updates. Mention that your condition is pending medical treatment, but never say you’re “okay” or “fine.”

5. Not Consulting a Car Accident Attorney Right Away

You might be avoiding an attorney because you’re unsure if you need one or you don’t know how you can afford one. We assure you that if you’re facing a personal injury claim against an insurance company, you need a lawyer. In addition, most injury lawyers, including Kademenos, Wisehart, Hines, Dolyk & Wright Co., LPA work on a contingency bases, meaning you don’t pay anything unless we recover compensation for you.

The insurance company will get claims adjusters and lawyers involved right away. Their goal is to give you as little as possible, so you need someone on your side who can maximize your compensation.

It’s important to start gathering information quickly after a wreck. The evidence and memories of witnesses will fade quickly. We need to take pictures, involve experts, and interview those witnesses as soon as possible. The insurance companies will start working quickly, so you need someone on your side right away.

Call Kademenos, Wisehart, Hines, Dolyk & Wright Co., LPA Now

A car accident can be scary. You may not know what to do and it’s easy to make a mistake. No matter what you’ve already done, your next best step is to call an auto accident lawyer. Call attorney Kyle Wright today at (419) 625-7770 for a free consultation.

We will discuss what happened and how to recover all the compensation you deserve.