Port Clinton Criminal Defense Attorney

Finding yourself facing criminal charges in Port Clinton, OH, can be incredibly daunting and stressful. If you’ve been accused of a crime, securing a strong defense should be your top priority. Having an experienced criminal defense lawyer by your side ensures that your rights are protected throughout this challenging process. 

For help with a criminal charge, contact Wisehart Wright Trial Lawyers by calling (419) 871-3995 to schedule a free consultation with a Port Clinton criminal defense attorney.  

How Wisehart Wright Trial Lawyers Can Help If You’re Arrested 

How Wisehart Wright Trial Lawyers Can Help If You’re Arrested

If you’re arrested in Port Clinton, OH, our legal team can provide the defense you need to navigate your charges. With decades of experience in criminal law, we’re prepared to protect your rights, build your defense, and work to achieve a favorable resolution.

Here’s how our Port Clinton criminal defense lawyers can help:

  • We offer a free initial consultation to discuss the details of your case so we can get your side of the story and figure out the next steps. 
  • Our skilled attorneys will meticulously review all evidence, including police reports, eyewitness testimony, and forensic evidence, to identify weaknesses or inconsistencies in the prosecution’s case.
  • We’ll ensure your legal rights have not been violated at any point in the process. If we determine that they have been, we will challenge any statements or evidence that came after the violation. 
  • We will negotiate with prosecutors on your behalf to potentially reduce or dismiss charges before the trial. When appropriate, we can arrange plea bargains that could minimize potential penalties you’re facing.

Ultimately, with our team by your side, you’ll have the best chance at beating the charges and protecting your future. Contact Wisehart Wright Trial Lawyers to schedule a free consultation with a Port Clinton criminal defense attorney. 

Overview of Criminal Defense in Ohio 

Navigating the criminal justice system in Ohio can be complex, given the broad spectrum of offenses that range from minor misdemeanors to serious felonies. Below are some of the common charges you might encounter in Ohio’s legal system:

Disorderly Conduct 

In Ohio, disorderly conduct includes various behaviors that might disrupt the peace. Generally, this charge provides law enforcement with flexible authority to intervene in situations they perceive as potentially volatile or disruptive. A person may face disorderly conduct charges for actions deemed to inconvenience, annoy, or alarm another person. 

Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a common charge in Ohio. It prohibits drivers from operating a vehicle if their BAC is .08% or above. However, a person can be charged with a DUI even if their BAC is lower than .08% as long as the police and the prosecution can prove that they were too intoxicated to safely operate a vehicle. Additionally, it is illegal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of a drug of abuse or a combination of drugs and alcohol.

Domestic Violence 

Ohio law defines domestic violence as any act where an individual knowingly or recklessly causes or attempts to cause physical harm to a family or household member. A household member generally includes a spouse, ex-spouse, a parent or child of the accused, or any other person related by blood or marriage who resides with the accused. 

To be classified under the Ohio domestic violence statute, there is typically a requirement of cohabitation, meaning that you must live with or have lived with the person in question unless it is a co-parent.


Rape is defined as engaging in sexual conduct with another person without their consent. This can include instances where the other party’s ability to resist or consent is substantially impaired due to any condition or agent, such as alcohol or drugs. Force or threat of force may also be elements present in such an offense. 


Homicide in Ohio refers to the act of one person causing the death of another, whether intentional or not. Under Ohio law, homicide is categorized into several specific offenses based on factors such as intent, premeditation, and circumstances surrounding the killing. The primary categories include murder and manslaughter.

No matter what type of charge you’re facing, reach out to a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. 

What Are the Penalties For Criminal Convictions in Port Clinton, Ohio?

In Ohio, penalties for criminal convictions can vary widely depending on the severity of the charge and a person’s criminal history. It’s essential to know the possible consequences that could affect your life and liberty upon being found guilty:


For misdemeanors, you may face time in local or county jail, whereas felonies can result in a state prison sentence. The length of imprisonment depends on the specific class of the misdemeanor or felony as well as the defendant’s criminal history and other mitigating or aggravating factors.


Sometimes as an alternative to incarceration or alongside it, you could be placed on probation – a period during which you must comply with certain court-ordered rules and conditions. This usually includes regular check-ins with a probation officer, maintaining employment, and undergoing drug testing.


Monetary fines are often imposed for both misdemeanors and felonies. The amount will depend on the level of offense: lesser misdemeanors may carry smaller fines while more serious felonies can come with significant monetary penalties. 

License Suspension

For certain crimes, like DUIs, license suspension is a typical consequence. The suspension can last for a few months or could even be indefinite; it depends on factors such as previous infractions and the severity of the incident. 

Sex Offender Registration

For crimes of a sexual nature, an offender can be required to register as a sex offender. This entails registering with the sheriff’s office in the county where you reside. The requirements for registration are strict, and failure to comply may result in additional criminal charges and jail time. 

Understanding the potential consequences of criminal convictions in Port Clinton, Ohio, is essential, as the penalties carry immediate legal ramifications and can also have lasting impacts on your life and freedom.

What Defenses Can Be Raised If I’m Arrested? 

When you’re arrested, the defense strategy your attorney employs will depend on the specifics of the charges you’re facing. However, there are several common defenses that could potentially be raised, including:

In cases like theft or sexual assault, a possible defense is that the alleged victim consented to what happened. For this defense to hold up in court, clear evidence must show that their agreement was given freely and voluntarily.


If you’re charged with a violent crime such as domestic violence, asserting that you acted in self-defense could be a viable option. You’ll need to demonstrate that your actions were in response to an immediate threat and that the force used was reasonable and necessary under the circumstances.


Supplying an alibi involves providing evidence that you were somewhere else at the time the alleged crime took place. Reliable witness statements or evidence like video footage can establish this defense. Showing you were not at the scene of the crime would be proof that you couldn’t have possibly committed it.

No Possession (Drug Crimes or Gun Crimes)

For charges that require possession – for example, drug possession or unlawful firearm possession – one defense includes asserting you did not actually have possession or control over the drugs or weapon in question.

For instance, if drugs were found in a car you borrowed but did not belong to you, this may serve as the foundation for a defense of lack of possession. Demonstrating no knowledge or control over the illicit items is pivotal for your case.

With any criminal charge, it’s important to work with a criminal defense law firm that can assess all available evidence and determine the best defense strategy for your circumstances.

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With Our Port Clinton Criminal Defense Attorney

If you are facing criminal charges in Port Clinton, OH, it is crucial that you act quickly to protect your rights and build a strong defense. Don’t navigate this legal situation alone – contact Wisehart Wright Trial Lawyers to schedule a free consultation with a Port Clinton criminal defense attorney.